Tuesday, December 11, 2007

seasonal servant?

seasonal ministry?

knowing when it's time to put the flip flops away-
there's the challenge

a friend was asking me in an email if i believed in 'seasonal ministry'... that is, a ministry calling that is relational, circumstantial and contextual, rather than universal. in other words, does God call us to ministry involvements that have both a beginning and an end?

where is it written down that everything of God must be forever simply because God is?

God is the immutable one- everything else is subject to change. this means that our ministry calling can change shape many times over the course of the trip. a ministry that arose from an expressed need may very well come to its conclusion upon either the ultimate meeting of the need OR the natural dissolution of that need.

either way, let the thing go and move on.

Monday, December 3, 2007

science God

Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends. Well I say there are some things we don’t want to know… Important things! (Ned Flanders)

i'm really tired of people drawing either/or lines in the sand when there should be meaningful crossover between science and faith. they are complementary disciplines. recently, in response to the silly simpsons quote above, a friend of mine said:

I find it curious that in this faith/science distinction faith is always accused of walking around blind to the realities of science yet science always seems to escape being criticised for walking around blind to the realities of faith. (hineini)

science is observational, theoretical and, above all, subject to time and further discovery. God is not subject… God IS the subject.

but without science, our study of God can become ‘incredible’, disembodied, mystical and esoteric. science needs to be simply another lens through which we see the love of God- indeed perhaps the very face of God.

for example, what if physics is only completely physical because we’ve relegated it to the physical box? what if part of the connection between all events, although perhaps not immediately perceptible as such, is that they are shadows, approximations or perhaps even enactments of that which is taking place in the spiritual realm and is, at the very least as real as this physical veneer…

what if the physical and spiritual were rent apart simply by our own spiritual disregard? what if science and faith actually belong together?

Q: what is the first sound recorded in the bible?
A: the voice of God: “Let there be light”

on the first page of our bibles, God and light seem to be together at the source of everything. on the last page of our bibles it’s the same. (genesis 1.3-4; revelation 21.22-23)

what if some scientific study of sound and light were to somehow inform our picture of our eternal God?

  • isaac newton first used a prism to intentionally break white light into a spectrum, revealing that all was not as it seemed and paving the way for deconstructive studies like molecular biology and ultimately the splitting of the atom.
  • taking the spectrum into account, divisionist painter georges seurat applied the properties of light to his approach to painting, essentially creating the possibility of the colour t.v. out of thin air and grandfathering pixelization, mused in his journals that …
“In nature, light is the source of reality.” (seurat)
  • at the same time, albert einstein was developing theories of his own…

“Light is a particle that has mass and a volume of energy. energy (E) equals a constant number (h) times the frequency of the light (v) E=hv

In reality, all matter is nothing but condensed light.” (Einstein)

  • in gary zukav’s book The Dancing Wu Li Masters the following observation is made in response to an experiment exploring the unexplainable connectedness of spinning particles…

"Sound waves only travel so fast… the fastest communication signal is the electromagnetic wave- like a light wave…" (Zukav)

and the gospel of John seems to begin with a riddle…

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. (John 1.1-9)

in a bible i have, this prayer accompanies john 1...

How glorious you are, O Jesus, Word of God. My finite mind can only begin to comprehend your infinite wonders. My words can never aptly reflect who you are as the divine Word. You are before all things. Through you all things are created. By your light all things are seen…

And I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ

The only-begotten Son of God

Begotten of the Father before all worlds

God of God

Light of Light

Very God of Very God

Begotten, not made

Being of one substance with the Father

By whom all things were made

Who, for us men and for our salvation

Came down from heaven

And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit

of the Virgin Mary

And was made man. (Nicene Creed)

i love that, for the artist, God's artistry is richly woven into the fabric of creation, while for the scientist, God's 'intelligent design' illuminates and informs each new challenge, never giving it all away lest we stop looking for truth.