In the book of Hebrews, it’s written that God is the one for whom and through whom everything exists. If we take this understanding of our natural state seriously, we have to rethink what sexuality is. For many, sexuality is simply what happens between two people involving physical pleasure. But that's only a small percentage of what sexuality is. Our sexuality is all of the ways we strive to reconnect with our world, with each other, and with God.
(rob bell, sex god, p42)
i've heard the expression let's not confuse love with sex...
however, with this whole 'bigger definition' thing, i'm not sure how much of a distinction needs to be made. i mean, if we're speaking only about biology then there's some implications there, sure. .. but if we are speaking about God's original plan as outlined on the first page of our bibles then there might be some more there that we are missing which is merely informed by our biology, not defined by it; opened by our biology, not closed by it.
if we see sexy as the ability to meaningfully connect with God, each other and our world, then there's not a whole lot of difference between this and love in the deepest sense. also, there is incredible responsibility attached to this endowment...
it appears as though, in God's design, sexy is
light, not darkness
delight, not lustfulness
engagement, not instinct
depth, not superficiality
freedom, not enslavement
justice, not exploitation
meaningful connection, not biological interface…
in this reading of the word and its implications, sexy invites connection and communion, and for God to look at creation every day and conclude that it is sexy is fun... but to take that further and conclude at the end of day 6, upon looking at us, that it was now very sexy is an invitation to reach for something higher than our lust for kicks when we start talking sexy talk.
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