Tuesday, May 19, 2009

canteens of clay

paul writes that we carry the treasure of God in jars of clay (2 corinthians 4.7-12). the idea, of course, is hyperlinked back to those opening chapters of genesis where God picks up a lump of earth and breathes spiritual life, creating a ‘living being.’

in his book The End of Religion, preacher and teacher bruxy cavey posits an idea that religion is merely a container for the living water of God. however, this is still too far away from you and me. speaking of ‘religion’ allows us to distance ourselves from something very important contained in paul’s words here: WE are the containers, equipped, empowered and entrusted with this precious cargo that offers hope to the whole world. God’s hope of realized shalom is placed upon you and me.

being raised a pharisee, the apostle paul chooses his metaphors well in light of the scriptures. not only does he pick up on the Genesis connection, but his little analogy in his 2nd letter to the corinthian church is also informed by the words of the prophet isaiah. (isaiah 64.8) the fact that clay is molded and worked in preparation for its task should be hope to us all. we are clay first, and are formed into containers by the hand of God to carry out his purposes here. it's delightful to remember that, in the fashioning of clay, water is used... the living water which we are created to carry to the world in which we live is used in our formation. we are fashioned for the work we are called into being to do by that which which we are called to carry and share…

does that make you feel big or small?
most days it makes me feel both.

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