by the way... if you want to leave a comment on this 'big talking small fry' blog and aren't part of the whole 'blogosphere' thing, (with your own OpenID, Name URL or Google account) just log your insights as 'anonymous' and then type your name in as part of the comment.
(as per the example on this blogpost)
(as per the example on this blogpost)
this way i know who gets a free coffee from northview's 'He-Brews' coffee bar!
here's an example of where the comments are to be logged and how.
'I'm not sure of much of anything these days. Maybe that's why I talk so much.'
-Robert M. Pirsig
hey rob
i hear you on that one. i'm sure of one thing and that is that i owe you a coffee...
(bla bla bla... from there the dialogue would continue in the direction set by the person logging the comment.)
sweet! coffee for free!
oops, that was supposed to be anonymous with my name at the end. Now I've shown my cards ;)
steve fox-smith
no, man- the whole point of all that anonymous business was just so that someone who doesn't have a google account or whatever would still be able to leave comments.
but, yeah, happy to spring for a coffee!
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