so the struggle with sharing vision is to try to translate this sharing into different media. all fine and good to speak passionately before an assembled crowd, quite something different to post those same thoughts somewhere to be read without the benefit of all the things that make listening to an inspiring speaker inspirational.
the benefit, however, is the hindsight that is afforded in the process of somehow transcripting spoken words into written ones. there are shining sparks of revelation not found in the notes which take on major significance as God moves in the live moment of interaction, making apparent to all assembled (even the one speaking) that this is what he wanted someone to say.
example: a three word phrase that did not occupy a whole lot of space in the wildly scribbled, footnoted, annotated and even roughly illustrated notes that i brought with me to the front at a recent gathering of our people:
raise and release
that was it. so simple. buried amidst gathered quotes and ministry opportunities and examples to be shared with our missionally-minded, yet progressively active crowd at the annual 'society meeting.'
yet these words say so much.
raising requires investment work. it requires a discipling/mentoring relationship to be forged which is, at its centre, collaborative.
releasing requires trust and affords validation. whether the release is internal, releasing one to pursue his/her piece of the mission locally, or external, being allowed to leave the shelter, comfort and safety of the nest, that the larger picture would be realized.
yes, to raise and release is to invite, inspire, equip and empower. it is to place words of vision and challenge before people, then to walk alongside them, all the while sharing your pieces of the picture with them, that their own would be informed by it while not being controlled or restricted. it is to afford people the opportunity to meaningfully engage in the ongoing work as part of their own journey to self actualized, entire sanctification. to boldly go where no man has gone before...
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