Wednesday, February 27, 2008

are you smarter than this 5th grader?

we were talking about bible school classes and which ones were for whom. the discussion turned around a simple question of order: which course should someone take first- an intro to the bible course, or a biblical study methods course? the study methods course is a 150 class, whereas the intro to the bible class was a 100. i proposed this idea:

i'll ask some little questions that are basic bible knowledge/ literacy and if you feel that you can confidently answer them then perhaps the 150 course would be the right one to take right now. if not, then a brushing up on the broader approach to the word first might serve you better at this time.

ready? (remember, you can't use your bible to look up the answers and none of them are 'trick questions')

1) How many books are in the pentateuch and who is the presumed author?
2) Is Hosea considered to be a major or minor prophet?
3) Who wrote the book of Titus?
4) How many sons did Rachel have?
5) What public office in Israel did Samson hold?
6) Who is the king in the book of Esther?
7) Which of the Patriarchs did God rename as Israel?
8) Which of the four gospels is written by the same guy that wrote Acts?
9) Solomon's mother was: Michal (Saul's daughter) or Bathsheba (Uriah's widow)?
10) How long did Moses live in the wilderness after being driven from Egypt for murdering a man?

okay, so there you go. hope this was helpful. write the answers down on paper so that you are committed to one per question, then look them up answers on your own afterward to see if you were right...

ha ha- thanks for playing our little game!


crazy mom said...

Wow, I am embarassed to say I only knew a few of the answers to your quiz. It has definately encouraged me to dive into the written word and also teach it to my children. So often I focus on basic concepts with them, not realizing if we read the word of God to them it would open up a whole new level of conversations with them (well, right now one of the two) and my husband to. I tend to miss out on ministry to him. My weakness maybe. I focus on the obvious for teaching, not remembering he only knows basic concepts too.
I am saddened I missed the sermon last week due to work, however was inspired my friends around me who heard it. It was very pleasing to me know know I could come online and get an understanding of what it was basically about.
Thank you!

jollybeggar said...

"I am saddened I missed the sermon last week due to work, however was inspired my friends around me who heard it. It was very pleasing to me know know I could come online and get an understanding of what it was basically about." (crazymom)

ha ha- well i'd better get on that then!

jollybeggar said...

by the way, good on you for not buying into the cultural 'man is the head therefore man is the SPIRITUAL head of the household' mumbo jumbo.

that is scriptural only in that, when God pronounces the curse in genesis 3 it includes this 'submission' thing.

Jesus came to break the curse.

whereas it is true culturally that we still live in a male-dominated, patriarchal society and that this carries with it huge responsibility for Christian men within such a culture, let us not default to the notion that women are to wait around until the man 'gets it' and assumes spiritual leadership within the home... that would be tragic, especially in light of what we read in proverbs 30.10-31

bless you for taking up the charge within your household.

crazy mom said...

"ha ha- well i'd better get on that then!" Jolly beggar

I realized that post was not from last weeks sermon after I posted the comment. Still your post did make a difference, so thanks again.