i read this:
Many of us are refusing to allow distorted images of our faith to define us. There are those of us who, rather than simply reject pop evangelicalism, want to spread another kind of Christianity, a faith that has as much to say about this world as it does about the next. New prophets are rising up who try to change the future, not just predict it. There is a movement bubbling up that goes beyond cynicism and celebrates a new way of living, a generation that stops complaining about the church it sees and becomes the church it dreams of. (Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution, http://www.amazon.ca/Irresistible-Revolution-Shane-Claiborne/dp/0310266300/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233676295&sr=8-1)
and thought this:
sun's up- mm hmm- looks okay
the world survives into another day
and i'm thinking about eternity
(bruce cockburn, wondering where the lions are)
eternity- not the forever and a day kind, but the here and now kind. hope is a ray, having a beginning and no ending point, traveling towards a vague horizon.
what mission am i to fulfill at this point in time and space to actively participate in the sharing of hope and the moving forward of a people into a new day, prepared by God to be lived out to the realization of God's dream for us all?
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